structure of the robot NAO

Let´s talk about some NAO structure :

1.Tactile sensor : menu to interact non-verbally with NAO.

2. speakers: NAO have 2 speakers which are located on the sides of the head.
NAO talks , prompts, share his story ,plays music...

3.Battery: NAO is free to navigate without being connected to a power source.

4.Prehensile hands with sensors : To grasp small items and to work on object exchange and turn-taking

5.Foot bumpers: another way to interact with NAO

6.Eyeleds :NAO uses color code to express emotions and even play edutaining color games .

7.Cameras: Nao uses 2 cameras located on the head and on the mouth used to recognizes pre-recorded faces , pictures, read books, imitates...

8. Sonars: NAO have 4 sonars for detects wether something stands closely in front of him.

9.Microphones: NAO have 4 microphones for detects the origin of sounds and understands what you say .
